Tea time: projects, 2014 and the hairdresser

Hey guys,

we haven't talked in a while, have we?
Well, I mean I haven't done some "update" kind of post in a while.

So before the busy schedule for 2014 breaks in, I thought I'd just share a few (random) things with you.

Calling this thing tea time makes me happy because I'm a little tea lover. 

Posts like this are fun for me to write but a little while ago I wasn't all too sure if they fit the blog because I kind of lost my view of what I want this blog to be. It started as a personal blog and then quickly transformed into a music blog.
I want to write about music but not in a strict magazine kind of way. That's why I blog and don't only write for music magazines.
For me blogging is a beautiful way to share but also stay in touch with people. Of course I want to improve my writing (hell - I'm not studying journalism because I'm bored) but I also want to keep this page a little bit personal, or let's say "human".

Now that you know that I can tell you a few things about what's happening over here.

The 365 photos challenge:
I decided to try and take one special photo a day to document my year in photos. At first taking one photo a day sounds super easy but I think it can get tricky to not photograph the same things and perspectives over and over again.
But I like challenges and I think this one is going to be great. Let's hope I won't fail!

Another random thing you probably don't want to know:
Yesterday I was at the hairdresser and my very favourite Scottish duo Martin and James came on the radio.
Hearing them on the radio always makes me super happy because not all artists played are real artists, if you know what I mean. M&J definitely are real and talented so I think they deserve it.
But also it made me wish I could hear all of the bands I blog on the radio.
Maybe one day there will be a house in the sand radio. I would love that!

I feel like this year is going to be a busy but good year. I have so many plans for it that I really want to make happen and it excites me a lot.
And I can't wait to share the first few exciting things with you in less than a month. Aaaaah. :)

What do you think of the 365 photos challenge? Would you give it a try?

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  • Tea time: projects, 2014 and the hairdresser   Hey guys, we haven't talked in a while, have we? Well, I mean I haven't done some "update" kind of post in a while. So before the busy schedule for 2014 breaks in, I thought I'd just share a few (random) th… Read More


  1. Happy New Year! :)


  2. even before i read your question, i thought "hey, why not do the same & take a photo each day?" it's a great idea but i'm not sure if i really gonna keep taking photos all over the year. to take pictures i have to be inspirated, and i'm not so sure of this is an everyday thing, if you know what i mean :D
    excited for the news!!



Let me know what you think! :)