Artist Of The Day: Nina Yasmineh

Hey guys!

New segment allert! We now have a "Artist Of The Day" section on house in the sand. The name pretty much explains what's behind it - you are going to learn a bit more about an artist I absolutely enjoy listening to. Yet the articles will never be too lenghty - they're all about being informative in a fast way. I really hope you are going to enjoy the concept!

I could not think of a better artist than Nina Yasmineh to kick off this segment with a bang.

Nina Yasmineh is a singer/songwriter based in New York City, USA. Her style could be described as indie-pop with soft electronic touches
The singer/songwriter element shines through very strong; Nina writes fantastic, deep and dark lyrics which tell stories and transport feelings.

Her arragements are clever, they sparkle and move. They vary from calm and emotional to upbeat and energetic. Nina's soft but expressive voice carries the vulnerable aspects of her music oh so well and wins you over within the blink of an eye.

"Seven Years" (EP)
"Finest Hour" (EP)
"Dark Heart" (EP)

Make sure to listen to her brand new EP down below, I love it!

Nina Yasmineh online: Twitter | Facebook | Soundcloud | YouTube

Thank you for reading!

Credits // Text: Vanessa Jertschewske | Image: Nina Yasmineh


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